Welcome Note

Hello and Welcome to www.haveyougotmathseyes.com

My name is Terry Maguire and my passion is mathematics education.

As part of my research I developed the concept of ‘developing maths eyes’ to support the continuous professional development of adult maths tutors in Ireland (Maguire, 2003, Maguire “2006).  I have further extended the concept of Developing Maths Eyes to help build confidence in mathematics in all members of the community.  By developing their Maths Eyes individuals discover the mathematics that surround them and that they use every day.

The Website has been developed as a resource for Parents, Students, Tutors and Teachers who would like to support and help others to develop their maths eyes.

Please join our team and let us know if you are holding a Maths Eyes event by uploading the details through the website. I would ask that if you develop materials in your own area for maths eyes contact us at [email protected] and we will add them to our resource section so that they can be shared.

Finally I would like to thank all those that have helped in promoting and supporting  ‘Developing Maths Eyes’.

Kind regards

Terry Maguire


Maguire, T., 2003. Engendering Numeracy in Adults Mathematics Education with
a focus on tutors: A grounded Approach. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Limerick, Ireland

Maguire, T. 2006 Engendering Numeracy in Adults Mathematics Education with a Focus on Tutors: A Grounded Approach’ In: From the inside out: emerging perspectives in adult and further education in Ireland, N. Colleran (ed.) Nenagh: Tipperary (NR) VEC, 218-235. ISBN 0 95527170 0 3

Ritchhart, R., 1997. Through Mathematical Eyes – Exploring Functional Relationships in Math and Science,  Heinemann: Portsmouth.

Everyone has Maths eyes – They just need to be Opened